

Donate to support BIKI.e.V. on or directly here:

Since we are a charity approved by the Munich tax authority you can declare your donations in your tax returns. Please tell us your complete address in order to do so.

Because we are a very small charity and everyone of us is working voluntarily we can guarantee that every cent is going towards the project and administration costs are very small.

We frequently go to Rishikesh at our own expenses and assure ourselves how the projects develop. Naturally we will inform you on our website and our newsletter.

We hope we infected you, just as Alankrita infected us back then and are looking forward to helping the children in the Northern India.

Help Us To Help!

Bank Details

Bildung International-Kinderhilfe Indien e.V.
Münchner Bank eG
IBAN: DE27 7019 0000 0001 7510 00

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